Energy Work Restoring Balance

I sought Anne’s help after witnessing a disturbing incident involving a child, which reawakened a deep trauma I thought I had healed. Despite all the skills and techniques I had learned, I couldn't alleviate the pain from this reactivated trauma on my own. Anne’s gifts are ancient, reminiscent of lost healing traditions we read about. My trauma had created an energetic wound within me, and this experience brought it to the surface. With my consent, Anne used her abilities to enter my energetic state and help move the stuck energy, much like completing a circuit. Instantly after only one session, I felt more harmonious, lighter, and freer—an energetic reset.

During this session, I became aware of the part of myself I had disconnected from due to the trauma I had experienced. Anne's energy work created a safe space for me to recall and reintegrate these disconnected parts of my energetic self, which I have learned is essential and integral for trauma recovery. This comprehensive care addresses mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that trauma is a violation of the soul self. To heal, we must attend to the spirit. Anne is extremely respectful of spiritual beliefs, and as someone with a strong Christian faith, I felt blessed by my God through the healing she provided.

I would and have referred Anne to anyone that is struggling to find the peace they are looking for. If you have tried many things but still remain in a state of suffering due to wounds you did not ask for, schedule a consultation with Anne. She can help you.


Unlocking My Potential